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Natural Lash - My Story


Updated: Jun 7, 2019

This is the story of Jessica Linardi @Natural_Lash

Hi my name is Jessica Linardi, owner of Natural Lash. Ever since I was a young girl I had a passion for business and aesthetics. At a young age my entrepreneur came out of me. I was 13 years old buying string to hand make bracelets and selling them, we all did that right! At the age of 18 I opened my own swim school from the months of June to September. I put signs up on every mailbox, made business cards and went door to door. I would attend people's homes to teach swimming lessons, lifeguard pool parties and teach aqua fitness classes. With one client it went from 5 to 10 to 15 and onward I was booked all day Monday to Friday and absolutely loved teaching swimming, I mean what's not to like. Working in a pool, in the sun and teaching little kids and adults how to swim! My tan was on point too! I then graduated from Business & Human Resource Management that I enjoyed so much but I always wanted to be in the beauty field, and that goes back to when I was 12 and would paint my family members nails and do their hair and massage their back, I loved it. So my last year of school in 2012 I decided to take an eyelash course that I fell in love with!

I decided it was time to blend my two passions: beauty and business. From this natural blend, Natural Lash was born. I always had an obsession with eyes and form a young age I wore eyelash strips all the time I was so in love with them and the difference they made on my eyes. From working in my basement from 1 client to 2 to 3 and onward I was getting busy so I decided to get a space to work out of. I was still in school but my focus was now my eyelash business. I would get text messages midday “do you have availability for lashes” as I looked up at my accounting teacher totally confused in the class, I looked back at my phone and replied yes I can be their in 1 hour. (Sorry mom) I graduated from Business & Human Resource management in 2013 and at that time I decided to stay in the aesthetics field. Education is so important and never a waste I learned so much that I use now in my business form taking Human Resource & Business management. From doing eyelash extensions I brought on every eyelash service. I travel worldwide to take courses and I attend yearly conferences worldwide. From my first course of classic eyelash extensions I learned how to perm and tint eyelashes, apply volume lashes, I was taking advanced classes and I have taken hair and makeup classes (Just because I love doing hair and makeup) marketing classes, business classes you name it! Their is a quote, never stop learning because life never stops teaching and boy that could not be more true! After learning every lash service I branded into my own line of mink eyelash strips and then to eyelash clothing apparel. Anything lashes I was all for it! I also wrote my own eyelash training book and taught lash workshops which I loved! When you have a passion for something and get to teach it it is an amazing thing.

I love being an entrepreneur, there's definitely pros and cons to it like any other career in life but I love it and would not change it. I am very creative, I do get bored easily, I am definitely a risk taker- no risk no reward, not scared of change, confident, opened minded very determined and if you say I can't do it I am even more determined to do so, I have strong people skills super ambitious, very positive and passionate. Passion is the most important trait of a successful entrepreneur. When you are genuinely loving your job you are always willing to put in those extra hours to make your business succeed because there is a joy your business gives which goes beyond the money. All these qualities in me has definitely shaped me into an entrepreneur. I love challenging myself and having a business there is a consent challenge and I love it! Its like you are so excited one minute and then think wait is this right oh wait no it is right im doing great, and then oh no I suck I am wrong and back up to I don't know why I am so hard on myself I am awesome my life is great. I am pretty sure every entrepreneur feels this way and goes through those mix emotions. I wouldn't change my career path, the sacrifices I have made, the experiences I been through good and bad, lessons I learned, choices I made and the people I met through this journey! I wouldn't trade it for the world.

What inspires me: What inspires me the most is other boss babes. I love to see people do well and work hard and when I see mothers who have children and a business I look up to them. Anything is possible when you have time management and you are organized.

What Makes Me Passionate About My Business: What makes me so passionate about my business is meeting all the amazing ladies that I have met in the last 7 years. I can honestly say I have learned something from each client from relationships to work life to life experiences and life choices. It is a never-ending learning experience - I love talking to my clients. The friendships I have made the last 7 years with my co-workers and my clients is so special , I appreciate them all! At the end of the day what makes me so happy is when I finish with a client and they look in that mirror and is brought to tears because they didn’t think they can look that beautiful. Everyone is beautiful, all I do is enhance the eyes! You ladies do all the work!

Biggest Accomplishment: My biggest accomplishment is how far I have come in the last 7 years. My business journey has been such an amazing experience. This is just the beginning and can’t wait to see where the next 7 years take me. I have put in so many work hours into my business and have no regrets! Hard work pays off and it has allowed me to travel and have great experiences in life. There is no such thing as luck, luck is where preparation meets opportunity. Work hard, it all pays off. Every day I wake up thinking what else I can do to grow as a person & a business. How I can do it & who I can help & how can I give back.I am my own competition and forever challenge myself and owning a business is an ongoing challenge which I love!

What I do On My Spare Time: When I am not working or thinking of my next project I love spending time with family and friends, I love to travel and see new places and learn different cultures and lastly I enjoy dancing and yoga on my free time! I love my job and I love working, but every boss lady needs a work life balance; sometimes that can be hard to do, but we all have to enjoy our life and make memories and experiences! Advice For Other Boss Girls: The best advice I have for any entrepreneur is follow your dream and your heart. Here is something I wrote when I was 12 years old. 15 years later I am writing this!

Do what makes you happy, follow your heart your dream and your passion! Work hard and be kind to everyone! If you enjoy what you do for work you will never have to work a day in your life. To me, I believe passion is the most important trait of a successful entrepreneur. When you are genuinely loving your job you are always willing to put in those extra hours to make your business succeed because there is a joy your business gives which goes beyond the money. Remember there is no such thing as luck, BUT their is such thing as hard work! It is not about luck its about how hard you work & good things come to people who work hard and never give up! YOU are the only person who determines your life. If you want success, happiness and adventure. It is up to you to make it happen. Always have goals. I always have a goal chart of things I want to do, places I want to see, and business goals where I want to be. When you write your goals down your are more likely to achieve them! What Would You Change About Your Job: I have my dream job, I dont think I would change anything, except more hours in a day please! My favourite thing about the beauty industry is that its always changing and their is always something new to add and mostly just the way I make people feel is so rewarding. Building the relationships and talking to my clients is such a beautiful thing.

Having this entrepreneur life has been challenging, hard work but so rewarding. It has allowed me and opened up my flexibility allowing me to travel and see the world which is what I love to do. Besides working I love nothing more then to travel, make memories, meet people and learn about different cultures. Going to some places have changed my view on life and opened my eyes and heart to continue to help people and be kind.​

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married with kids I hope, travelling the world, being happy enjoying life giving back to the world and of course 10 phones just managing businesses :) I know people get sad about getting older but it is truly a blessing to me, I look forward to the future, you never know what it is going to bring which is so exciting to me. You are the reason for your own success and happiness, no one else just you!

What Led You Down The Path Of Entrepreneur I have such amazing role models that definitely lead me down the path. In 1954 my grandfather came to Canada and was a risk taker, not only do I look like him but I definitely take after him as well. Having my grandfather and father as entrepreneur role models definitely lead me to my Entrepreneur path, grateful to take after the both of them! My business journey has been such an amazing experience. This is just the beginning and can’t wait to see where the next 7 years take me. I have put in so many work hours into my business and have no regrets! Hard work pays off and it has allowed me to travel and have great experiences in life.

They say you don't build a business, you build a relationship and then relationships build the business! It can't be more true. When I taught lash workshops and I got asked how did you build the lash business, I answered I built the relationship. 7 years in the lash industry and meeting all my beautiful clients I have made friendships and a bond with each and every one and cherish our talks about everything.

Remember to make yourself a priority, at the end of the day you are your longest commitment. Remember it is not selfish to love yourself take care of yourself and make your happiness a priority. It is necessary!

What's next for natural lash, something of course, you just have to wait and see!

Love Jessica


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