I was just a kid when I started to do what I love. It didn’t feel like work to me! It was my passion! I was a young girl I had a passion for business and aesthetics.

I decided it was time to blend my two passions: beauty and business. From this natural blend, Natural Lash was born October 2012! I always had an obsession with eyes and form a young age I wore eyelash strips all the time I was so in love with them and the difference they made on my eyes. From working in my basement from one client to two to three and onward I was getting busy so I decided to get a space to work out of. I was still in school but my focus was now my eyelash business. I would get text messages midday “do you have availability for lashes” as I looked up at my accounting teacher totally confused in the class, I looked back at my phone and replied yes I can be there in one hour (sorry mom & dad). I graduated from Business & Human Resource management in 2013 and at that time I decided to stay in the aesthetics field. Education is so important and never a waste, I learned so much that I use now in my business form taking Human Resource & Business management. From doing eyelash extensions I brought on every eyelash service. I travel worldwide to take courses and I attend yearly conferences. From my first course of classic eyelash extensions, I learned how to perm and tint eyelashes, apply volume lashes, I was taking advanced classes and I have taken hair and makeup classes (just because I love doing hair and makeup) marketing classes, business classes you name it! Their is a quote, "never stop learning because life never stops teaching", and boy that could not be more true! After learning every lash service, I branded into my own line of DIY lash kits as well as I am a distributor for lash lift kits. Anything lashes I was all for it! I wrote my own eyelash training book and taught lash workshops which I loved! Teaching your passion is an amazing thing.
Next I decided to open Defined Beauty in February 2020, the year we can never forget. In March of 2020 the world was turned upside downs, as the beauty salons were shut down, I was building my dream salon, hiring a team and finishing my book The New Entrepreneur is You! I took the time off from lashing in the salon to work on new projects and fulfill some goals of mine.
It was my favourite rollercoaster. The highs and lows, the ups and down and more importantly the learning experiences and the people I met. Owning a salon was a dream of mine since I was a little girl. By the age of 13, I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up. I wrote it down – “when I grow up I want to own my own salon". Passion is the most important trait of an entrepreneur. When you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life. I am extremely grateful that I love what I do and have the most amazing team I get to work with every day. Owning a business is an ongoing challenge which I love! I wouldn't change my career path, the sacrifices I have made, my experiences I have been through (good and bad), the lessons I have learned, the choices I have made, and the people I met through this journey! To share my passion in this field with other aspiring aestheticians and mentor them and grow as a team is a dream come true for me! Together we continue challenge ourselves, come out of our comfort zones and become the best version of ourselves.

Surround yourself with people who you get to grow with! Anything is possible with the right people around you! Through the rollercoaster of being an entrepreneur, I am beyond lucky to have the support of family, my fiancé, friends, a great team and amazing clients. To Having The Right People In Your Life Is So Important! This is one of my favourite topics in my book The New Entrepreneur is You. Anything is possible when you have the right people around you! Surrounding yourself with the right people in your life can make the difference between giving up and persevering. You need people around you that act as a reminder of being positive.

Creating your support system is a matter of including the elements that form a solid foundation of support. I suggest at least four roles.
1. The Cheerleader: This is a person in your life who thinks you are amazing. They cheer you on and believe in everything you can do. When you are down or not feeling your best, you can count on them to boost your spirits. This individual will help you get back on your motivated feet and feeling like you again.
2. The Pusher: This is someone who pushes you to be at your best. They make you question life’s possibilities, expand your options, and commit to your decisions. They push you in ways that motivate and inspire. They are also realistic and calculating.
3. The Loyal Confidant: This is a person who loves you and will always be there to hear what’s on your mind. The good, the bad, and the ugly are received without judgment.
4. The Energizer: Energizers are those people who have infectious zest for life. Not only are they optimistic but they encourage you to dream big. Energizers leave you laughing, inspired, and filled with amazing positive energy. They are often people that you work to emulate.
