This is one of my favourite topics in my book The New Entrepreneur is You. Anything is possible when you have the right people around you! Having the right people in your life can make the difference between giving up and persevering. You need people around you that act as a reminder of being positive.
I am lucky to be surrounded by such amazing family and friends. I also have a roster of ladies in my life that inspire me to continue. I wish more women realized a fundamental truth that helping other women and cheering and praying for them does not take away from your blessings. In fact, the more you give, the more you receive.
Creating your support system is a matter of including the elements that form a solid foundation of support. I suggest at least four roles.
1)The Cheerleader: This is a person in your life who thinks you are amazing. They cheer you on and believe in everything you can do. When you are down or not feeling your best, you can count on them to boost your spirits. it, you can count on them to boost your spirits This individual will help you get back on your motivated feet and feeling like you again. and with evidence, inspiration, and love centered in the capability they see in you.
2)The Pusher: This is someone who pushes you to be the best you can. They make you question life’s possibilities, expand your options, and commit to your decisions. options, and commit to your decisions. They push you in ways that motivate and inspire. They are also realistic and calculating. .
3)The Loyal Confidant: This is a person who loves you and will always be there to hear what’s on your mind. The good, the bad, and the ugly are received without judgment.
4)The Energizer: Energizers are those people who have infectious zest for life. Not only are they optimistic but they encourage you to dream big. Energizers leave you laughing, inspired, and filled with amazing positive energy. They are often people that you work to emulate.