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Cultivate a Boss Mindset


Know What You Want. When I was ten years old, I would go with my mom when she got her beauty services done. I went home and mimicked what I saw. I loved speaking the language of the salon. I loved the thank-you that ended the transaction.

When people are working and not enjoying what they do, or feeling that they are limiting themselves, I sympathize for them. I am a true believer that if you don’t like something, you should change it. Refuse the inclination to complain. Explore what’s holding you in a job or a situation that you don’t like. You can do anything. Start building a plan from there.

Business is really a have-it or don’t-have-it situation. Seeing it as possible and wanting to do it is just the beginning. Passion and drive are what will get you from wanting it to executing it. Find what that passion is. What is that thing along the service stream that gives you joy? It can be different for you than it is for others. It may be the people you work with. It may be the artistry of what you do. It may be the outcomes for customers. I don’t want to kid or coddle you. There is a definite cost to success. It’s not all visioning, planning, and trips to the bank.

Some costs of success are:

Late nights

Early mornings

Lost time with friends

Being misunderstood

Feeling overwhelmed

Questioning your sanity

Being your own cheerleader


Driven & Motivated. Vision boarding is the beginning. Now, you want to break those visions into goals. Move those goals along to get them done month by month. You may not look at the vision board every day but your work on the goals brings you closer towards the vision.

Set your vision as those things that you would like to see in the future. Add more than just accomplishments or achievements. Answer questions about what you see yourself doing and the lifestyle you desire. Make sure that you give ample attention to the type of people that you want to see around you and the things that they are doing as well.

Breaking Vision into Goals. This is the step that many people do not perform. When thinking about your vision, you want to have a great sense of the steps to get there. This is different than knowing how you will get there. Imagine you were going on a trip. When the trip is a vision, you are less concerned about the plotting of a map and more concerned about remembering to bring that map. As you create travel plans, you are less concerned about where each stop is and more concerned about the fact that you need to plan a certain number of stops. This analogy works great for goals as well.

Accomplish this by standing securely in the mindset of information-gathering and decision-making. In short, focus on your next best step. Most people think that the plan is a very detailed expenditure. This is one of the reasons people don’t like to take the time to write out a plan. The plan is really just a beginning and ending with a commitment to adjust as needed. Don’t get so caught up in the inflexibility of your plan that you are unable to respond to the opportunities of each day.

The following are eighteen things mentally strong people do. Check off all that apply to you.

1 They are kind

2 They are willing to take calculated risks

3 They celebrate the success of others

4 They invest their energy into the present

5 They embrace change

6 They are willing to fail

7 They enjoy their time alone

8 They stay happy

9 They are prepared to work hard and succeed on their own merits

10 They have staying power

11 They elevate their core beliefs

12 They think productively

13 They expand their mental energy wisely

14 They keep control

15 They accept full responsibility for their past behaviour

16 They move on

17 They tolerate discomfort

18 They reflect on their progress



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